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Product Optimization


ACES offers a risk-balanced solutions approach to assist clients, alliance partners and affiliates with problem well identification, analysis and repair and production optimization utilizing basic oilfield practices and new technologies.

With the company's in-house expertise, drilling/workover solutions toolkit, and access to cutting edge technologies, we are able to unlock potential and enhance value of oil/gas assets by:

  • Increasing wells and field production
  • Revitalize Shut-in wells
  • Reducing operating costs
  • Increasing produced reserves


Our Solutions are in 2 Main Categories as follows:

DATA MANAGEMENT – Electronics, Instrumentation & Controls

Wireless based Well Automation systems are designed and deployed to provide critical data monitoring, reservoir surveilance, trending, analysis and reporting


ACES bundled package offering here includes studies, recommendation, candidate selection for pilots and field trials, implementation supervision and trainings. field and asset review with Integrated Asset Management (IAM) approach and modelling. Production optimization and enhancement as well as Maximum Efficient Rate (MER) studies.

Through strategic alliance with specialist firms and professionals locally and across the globe, ACES has the capability, range of services and industry expertise to deliver the best well servicing solutions to customers regardless of the challenge, complexity or phase in the well lifecycle.

With operations managed by people with extensive Niger-Delta operations experience, we offer services that range from wellsite preparations, completion maintenance, pumping, rental/fishing tools, well deepening / sidetracks, decommissioning and well plugging and abandonment